Sqlite DDL

C:\work\rb\test>sqlite db\test.db
SQLite version 2.8.16
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table articles
...> (id integer primary key,
...> title varchar(255),
...> text varchar(1024)
...> );
sqlite> .quit
(or create table articles (id integer primary key, title varchar(255), text varchar(1024) );

C:\work\rb\test>dir db
Volume in drive C has no label.
Directory of C:\work\rb\test\db
14.04.2005 14:14 4 096 test.db
1 File(s) 4 096 bytes

Configure database.yml to use sqlite

<p>SQLite does not use authentication and needs only a pointer to the database file.
The adapter parameter tells Ruby to use SQLite for a database.</p> <pre>development:
adapter: sqlite
dbfile: db/dev.db

adapter: sqlite
dbfile: db/test.db

adapter: sqlite
dbfile: db/prod.db
</pre> <p>If you are using SQLite3 use “sqlite3” instead of “sqlite” for the adapter.</p><p> </p><p>(Swiped from a site whose URL I've misplaced </p>