Here are some things I’ve learned about AppleScript and about Mac OS X “Folder Actions”.

  • A “folder action” is a service that watches a folder for file system changes (create new file, create new folder, update file, etc.)
  • I hate AppleScript.
  • To create a new Folder Action using a Workflow (i.e. an Automator program):
    • Start /Applications/
    • At the “Choose a type for your document” prompt, choose “Folder Action”
    • Set the “Folder Action receives files and folders added to” to the folder you want to watch.
    • Add some actions. For starters, you might want to add an “Ask for Text” action, with a nonsense question.
    • File/Save - Save it with a good name (and don’t specify a folder).
    • Drag and drop a file in your watched folder and confirm that you get the expected message/question.
    • Quit Automator
    • It will store the workflow in “Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions” under your home directory.
    • Do NOT store your workflows in “/Library/Workflows/Folder Actions”. There are circumstances where this will happen by accident, and then you won’t be able to edit them again.
  • To create a new Folder Action using an AppleScript:
    • Create an AppleScript using “/Applications/Utilities/AppleScript”. As a minimal example, you might make a script containing this: on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items display alert “Sample title” message “Sample message” end adding folder items to
    • Compile it
    • Save it under “~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts” (you may have to create the folder)
    • Do NOT store your scripts in “/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts”. There are circumstances where this will happen by accident, and then you won’t be able to edit them again.
    • Attach it as an action to your folder:
      • Right-click the desired folder.
      • Choose Services/Folder Action Setup…
      • Choose the script you created.
      • Test it.
  • I have a Folder Action to watch for files to appear in a “Watched for Import” folder. When this happens, I run “~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/Evernote-Folder-Watcher”, to import the file into Evernote.
    • It is not enough to simply edit the Evernote-Folder-Watcher script. Relaunching Finder after editing won’t do it.
    • Right-click on the folder.
    • Choose Services, then Folder Action Setup…
    • On the Choose Script to Attach dialog, hit cancel
    • Select the script and press Edit Script
    • Note: If you edited it without following this process, and you want to get it to pick up your changes, follow this process and make a trivial change and it will start using the current edition.