is an elegant task (to-do) manager, but it has a number of maddening omissions. Today’s maddening omission is that there’s no way provided to import a bunch of tasks into the system. The closest they provide is for you to email your tasks, one at a time. Ugh. This is particularly annoying because they provide you with a way to export/backup your tasks, but no way to bring them back into Nirvana. Double-ugh. (see also here) provides a Ruby API for a few functions, and one of these is adding tasks. Here’s how to use this gem to import tasks from OmniFocus. This is what I did on a Mac, but you should be able to accomplish something similar on a PC. On a PC, you’ll have to install Ruby and you might also need Cygwin.
This does not do a high-fidelity import. If you really want an import bad, this is a bad import. It is going to import task title, task notes, and nothing else. It will import projects as tasks.
- If you’ve not previously used the nirvanahq gem:
- gem install nirvanahq
- nirv init
- md5 -s your_nirvana_pw_here
- Edit ~/.nirvanahq/config.rb and update it with your Nirvanahq user ID and an MD5 of your password.
- Export your OmniFocus to CSV.
- Edit the CSV file (maybe using Excel) to delete completed tasks, and to cut the file down to a column with the task title and a column with the task notes (in that order and with no other columns). If you have a title row in your CSV, delete it.
Press Alt-F11, and paste the following code into the ThisWorksheet object
Option Explicit Sub RunMe() Dim s As String Dim title As String Dim note As String Dim sel As Range Dim r As Range If Selection.Rows.Count = 1 Then MsgBox "This will export the selected rows. You selected only one row. If you want more rows exported, select them FIRST, next time." End If If Selection.Rows.Count > 100 Then MsgBox "You'll have to export in sets of 100 rows or fewer." End End If Debug.Print "#!/bin/bash" For Each r In Selection.Rows If r.Cells(1, 1) = "" And r.Cells(1, 2) = "" Then Exit For End If title = r.Cells(1, 1) note = r.Cells(1, 2) title = Replace(title, """", "\""") note = Replace(note, """", "\""") title = Replace(title, "'", "'\''") note = Replace(note, "'", "'\''") title = Replace(title, "(", "\(") note = Replace(note, "(", "\(") title = Replace(title, ")", "\)") note = Replace(note, ")", "\)") s = "" s = s + "nirv add " s = s + "'" + title + "'" If note <> "" Then s = s + " -n " ' + note + "'" End If s = s + " -t imported " Debug.Print s Next End Sub
. Run that code.
- Copy the output from the immediate window, paste it into a Mac text file, save the text file in the Mac file system, run it as a shell script