I’m leaving Evernote. Here’s a script I wrote to export everything from Evernote.

-- Evernote-Export-All: Export everything from Evernote.
-- Copyright (c) 2017 by Kevin P. Kleinfelter

-- **********************************************************
-- Assumptions:
--   * If you have notes with PDF attachments, they have only one PDF attachment and no body. (Error message if not true.)
--      If this isn't the case, edit your notes to make it the case.  ENML editor is helpful.
--      You could print the note body to PDF, then combine the body-PDF with the attached PDF into a 
--      new single PDF, but many of my notes-with-PDF had a body with a blank line.  (You might
--      think you could delete the blank line with Evernote, but EN adds a bunch of markup
--      which it does not remove when you delete the blank line, so use ENML editor.)
--      For notes where you really want the note body followed by PDF attachment(s),
--      print the note to PDF, which will produce multiple PDFs, and then manually combine
--      the PDFs into  a single PDF.
--   * Must copy your TagLibrary.scptd source file (which was in my ~/Documents/code/AppleScripts folder, 
--      as of December 2016) to "~/Library/Script Libraries".  You may have to mkdir "Script Libraries"
-- Learnings/disappointments:
--   * AppleScript does not have access to Evernote Stacks.  "Use the full API" says Support.
-- **********************************************************

-- **********************************************************
use tagLib : script "TagLibrary"
use scripting additions

-- ************************************************************

-- Dev and Debug options
set limitToNotebook to ""
set scanOnly to false -- don't write anything.  Just report metrics and problems.
set ensureDataQuality to true
-- ************************************************************

set exportFolder to "/Users/kevin/Temp/Evernote-export"
set totalNoteCount to 0
set onePdfCount to 0 -- Notes with a single PDF attached.
set oneImageCount to 0 -- Notes with a single image attached and no body.
set htmlCount to 0 -- Notes exported as HTML
set simpleCount to 0 -- Notes exported as single file
set newline to "

-- **********************************************************

-- **********************************************************
-- **********************************************************
set kount to 0
display dialog "Have you cleared the old export folder and are you showing log messages?"

with timeout of (1000 * 60) seconds
    if ensureDataQuality then
        display dialog "Re-enable data quality checks"
    end if

    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote"
        if notebook named "temp_export_notebook" exists then delete notebook "temp_export_notebook"
        create notebook "temp_export_notebook" with type local only
        if my limitToNotebook = "" then
            set allNotebooks to every notebook
            display dialog "limited to notebook " & limitToNotebook
            set allNotebooks to notebook named limitToNotebook
        end if
        repeat with currentNoteBook in allNotebooks
            set notebookName to (the name of currentNoteBook)
            log "0, NOTEBOOK, " & notebookName
            set allNotes to every note in notebook notebookName
            repeat with currentNote in allNotes
                set totalNoteCount to (totalNoteCount + 1)
                set theHtml to HTML content of currentNote
                set noteTitle to (the title of currentNote)
                if (count of attachments of currentNote) = 0 then
                    my exportSingleFile(currentNote, notebookName)
                else if (count of attachments of currentNote) = 1 then
                    set myMime to mime of first attachment of currentNote
                    if myMime = "application/pdf" then
                        if (my countSubstring(theHtml, "</div>")) > 1 then
                            log "Notes with PDF attachments must have no body. Violation:" & noteTitle
                            display dialog theHtml
                            my die("Notes with PDF attachments must have no body.  Violation:" & noteTitle)
                        end if
                        my exportToPdf(currentNote, noteTitle, notebookName)
                    else if (my isSingleImageOnly(myMime, theHtml)) then
                        my exportToImage(currentNote, noteTitle, notebookName, my mimeToFileType(myMime))
                        my exportToHtml(currentNote, notebookName)
                    end if
                else -- Multiple attachments
                    repeat with theAttachment in (attachments of currentNote)
                        if mime of theAttachment = "application/pdf" then
                            my die("Not implemented: Multiple attachments with a PDF. " & noteTitle)
                        end if
                    end repeat
                    my exportToHtml(currentNote, notebookName)
                end if
            end repeat -- repeat with currentNoteBook in allNotebooks
        end repeat
        if notebook named "temp_export_notebook" exists then delete notebook "temp_export_notebook"
    end tell
    my die("Successfully completed")
end timeout

-- Sample of image-only note:
-- <div id="en-note"><img src="?hash=12345" id="en-media:image/png:12345:none:none" class="en-media"/></div>
on isSingleImageOnly(myMime, theHtml)
    if myMime is not equal to "image/png" and myMime is not equal to "image/jpeg" then return false

    set prefix to "<div id=\"en-note\"><img src=\"?hash="

    if theHtml starts with prefix or theHtml starts with (my newline & prefix) then
        -- continue
        return false
    end if

    if (countSubstring(theHtml, "</div>")) ≠ 1 then return false

    set s to RemoveFromString(theHtml, "<div id=\"en-note\"><img src=\"?hash=")
    set s to RemoveFromString(s, "</div>")

    if (countSubstring(s, "<") > 0) then return false
    if (countSubstring(s, ">") > 1) then return false

    if (my countSubstring(theHtml, "en-media:image/png")) = 1 then return true
    if (my countSubstring(theHtml, "en-media:image/jpeg")) = 1 then return true

    return false
end isSingleImageOnly

on findDuplicateNoteNames()
    do shell script "rm -f /tmp/evernote-titles.txt"
    set foundDuplicates to false
    tell application "Evernote"
        set EVNotebooks to every notebook
        repeat with EVnotebook in EVNotebooks
            log "0, message, Finding duplicate titles in " & name of EVnotebook
            set allNotes to {}
            set allNotes to every note in EVnotebook
            repeat with aNote in allNotes
                set aTitle to title of aNote
                set aTitle to my filenameSafe(aTitle) -- comment
                do shell script "echo '" & aTitle & "' >> /tmp/evernote-titles.txt"
            end repeat
        end repeat
    end tell

    do shell script "sort /tmp/evernote-titles.txt | uniq -d > /tmp/evernote-duplicates.txt"
    set s to do shell script "cat /tmp/evernote-duplicates.txt"
    if length of s > 4 then
        with timeout of 30000 seconds -- wait 500 minutes
            display dialog "Duplicate note names found.  Please fix. " & s
        end timeout
    end if
end findDuplicateNoteNames

on fixBadNoteNames()
    tell application "Evernote"
        set EVNotebooks to every notebook
        repeat with EVnotebook in EVNotebooks
            log "0, message, Fixing note titles in " & name of EVnotebook
            set allNotes to {}
            set allNotes to every note in EVnotebook
            repeat with aNote in allNotes
                set originalTitle to title of aNote
                set newTitle to my filenameSafe(originalTitle)
                if newTitle ≠ originalTitle then
                    --	display dialog "Renaming '" & originalTitle & "' to '" & newTitle & "'"
                    set title of aNote to newTitle
                end if
            end repeat
        end repeat
    end tell
end fixBadNoteNames

-- **********************************************************
-- **********************************************************
on mkDir(pathName)
    do shell script "mkdir -p '" & pathName & "'"
end mkDir

-- **********************************************************
-- From https://geert.vanderkelen.org/2010/splitting-as-string-and-joining-a-list-using-applescript/
-- **********************************************************
to joinList(aList, delimiter)
    set retVal to ""
    set prevDelimiter to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set retVal to aList as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevDelimiter
    return retVal
end joinList

-- **********************************************************
-- I tried asking Evernote for the Note's HTML and writing that to a file, but I found some notes would contain 
-- a byte with hex CA that Evernote rendered as a space but HTML viewers and file editors showed that byte as an E with an accent.
-- Telling Evernote to *export* the note did not have that problem.  However, exporting the note
-- puts the HTML into a folder, and I'd prefer that simple HTML notes not go into a folder which will contain only
-- the one file.
-- Unfortunately, the note exports without the note TITLE when you tell Evernote to export it.
-- That note title renders very visibly in Evernote so I think of it as part of the note.
-- Adding a title to the output was easy when I wrote the HTML directly, because Evernote gave me 
-- the HTML for the BODY of the page (without the <html> or the <body> tags) so I could just prepend the title.
-- When I ask Evernote to do the export, I need to add the title before exporting.
-- OK, Evernote got really slow when I started creating temp notes to add the title.  I'm going to export the note
-- and then "sed" (or similar) the html to add a title.
-- I'm going to convert these from HTML to RTF.  I can get away with this because they have no attachments/images.
-- By converting them to RTF, if I double-click on the resultant file, it will open with an editor, and if it is a
-- hand-created note (as much of these are), it is probably some kind of list or brainstorming document that I want
-- to edit as often as to view.
-- Nope.  RTF is a bad idea.  The conversion to RTF loses column-widths, which some web site captured data
-- uses.  Best to stick with HTML and I'll manually convert files I want to routinely edit.  
-- (Or I can add an HTML editor to the open-with list.)
-- **********************************************************
on exportSingleFile(currentNote, notebookName)
    set my simpleCount to ((my simpleCount) + 1)
    if my scanOnly then return

    set sanitizedNotebookName to my filenameSafe(notebookName)
    set htmlFolderPath to my exportFolder & "/" & sanitizedNotebookName
    set noteAsList to {}

    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote"
        set noteTitle to title of currentNote
        set safeNoteTitle to my filenameSafe(noteTitle)
        set exportFilename to htmlFolderPath & "/" & safeNoteTitle & ".html"
    end tell
    set beginning of noteAsList to currentNote

    if not my scanOnly then
        log my totalNoteCount & " Single:" & exportFilename
        tell application id "com.evernote.evernote" to export noteAsList to "/tmp/tmp_evernote_export" format HTML with tags
        do shell script "mv /tmp/tmp_evernote_export/* '/tmp/tmp_evernote_export/" & safeNoteTitle & ".html'"
        -- ****** Add the note title to the note ******
        set perlCmd to "perl -pi -e 's/<(body.*?)>/<\\1>"
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & "<div style=\"font-size:16pt;line-height: 140%;font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\">"
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & safeNoteTitle
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & "<\\/div><br>"
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & "/' " & "'/tmp/tmp_evernote_export/" & safeNoteTitle & ".html'"
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & " 2>>/tmp/tmp_evernote_perl.err"
        do shell script perlCmd
        -- ***** Apply a default body font ------
        set perlCmd to "perl -pi -e 's/(<\\/head><body)/\\1"
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & " style=\"font-weight:380;font-size:10.5pt;line-height: 130%;font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\""
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & "/' " & "'/tmp/tmp_evernote_export/" & safeNoteTitle & ".html'"
        set perlCmd to perlCmd & " 2>>/tmp/tmp_evernote_perl.err"
        do shell script perlCmd
        do shell script "mv /tmp/tmp_evernote_export/*.html '" & exportFilename & "'"
        applyAttributesToFile(currentNote, exportFilename)
        -- do shell script "textutil -convert rtf '/tmp/tmp_evernote_export/" & my filenameSafe(noteTitle) & ".html' -o '" & exportFilename & "'"
    end if

end exportSingleFile

-- Update the file metadata with metadata from Evernote.
on applyAttributesToFile(currentNote, exportFilename)
    if my scanOnly then return

    -- Tags
    tell application "Evernote"
        set noteTags to the tags of currentNote
        if (count of (tags of currentNote)) > 0 then
            set tagStrings to my tagsToStrings(noteTags)
            tagLib's setTags:tagStrings forPath:(exportFilename)
        end if
    end tell

    -- Creation Date and Modification Date
    tell application "Evernote" to set cdate to creation date of currentNote
    tell application "Evernote" to set mdate to modification date of currentNote

    set s_cdate to "\"" & timestampReformat(cdate) & "\""
    set s_mdate to "\"" & timestampReformat(mdate) & "\""

    do shell script "SetFile -d " & s_cdate & " \"" & exportFilename & "\""
    do shell script "SetFile -m " & s_mdate & " \"" & exportFilename & "\""

end applyAttributesToFile

on tagsToStrings(noteTags)
    set ret to {}
    repeat with t in noteTags
        copy (name of t) to the end of the ret
    end repeat
    return ret
end tagsToStrings

-- **********************************************************
-- **********************************************************
on exportToImage(currentNote, noteTitle, notebookName, fileType)
    set my oneImageCount to ((my oneImageCount) + 1)

    if my scanOnly then return

    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote" to set theAttachment to first attachment of currentNote
    set sanitizedNotebookName to my filenameSafe(notebookName)
    set imageFolderPath to my exportFolder & "/" & sanitizedNotebookName

    set exportFilename to imageFolderPath & "/" & my filenameSafe(noteTitle) & fileType
        do shell script "rm '" & exportFilename & "'"
    end try
    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote"
        write theAttachment to exportFilename
    end tell
    applyAttributesToFile(currentNote, exportFilename)

    log my totalNoteCount & "Image:" & exportFilename

end exportToImage

-- **********************************************************
-- **********************************************************
on exportToPdf(currentNote, noteTitle, notebookName)
    set my onePdfCount to ((my onePdfCount) + 1)
    if my scanOnly then return

    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote" to set theAttachment to first attachment of currentNote
    set sanitizedNotebookName to my filenameSafe(notebookName)
    set pdfFolderPath to my exportFolder & "/" & sanitizedNotebookName

    set exportFilename to pdfFolderPath & "/" & my filenameSafe(noteTitle) & ".pdf"
    set exportFilename to replaceString(exportFilename, ".pdf.pdf", ".pdf")
    set exportFilename to replaceString(exportFilename, ".PDF.pdf", ".pdf")
    set exportFilename to replaceString(exportFilename, ".pdf.PDF", ".pdf")
    set exportFilename to replaceString(exportFilename, ".PDF.PDF", ".pdf")
        do shell script "rm '" & exportFilename & "'"
    end try
    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote"
        write theAttachment to exportFilename
    end tell
    applyAttributesToFile(currentNote, exportFilename)

    log my totalNoteCount & "PDF:" & exportFilename

end exportToPdf

-- **********************************************************
-- **********************************************************
on exportToHtml(currentNote, notebookName)
    if my scanOnly then return
    set noteAsList to {}
    set beginning of noteAsList to currentNote
    set sanitizedNotebookName to my filenameSafe(notebookName)
    set htmlFolderPath to my exportFolder & "/" & sanitizedNotebookName

    set my htmlCount to ((my htmlCount) + 1)
    tell application id "com.evernote.evernote"
        set exportFilename to htmlFolderPath & "/" & my filenameSafe(title of currentNote)
        -- Do something with note with multiple attachments
        -- Looks like export as HTML is the best option. This will create a
        -- folder named to match the note tile, containing a single HTML file
        -- named to match the note title, with a sub-folder containing
        -- all of the attachments (which are almost certain to be images).
        if not my scanOnly then
            log my totalNoteCount & "HTML:" & exportFilename
            export noteAsList to exportFilename format HTML with tags
        end if
    end tell
    applyAttributesToFile(currentNote, getHtmlFileIn(exportFilename)) -- exportFilename is really the folder where the html got written.

end exportToHtml

on getHtmlFileIn(folderName)
    set ret to folderName
    set fld to POSIX file folderName
    tell application "Finder" to set folder_list to items of folder fld
    repeat with f in folder_list
        if name of f ends with ".html" then
            set ret to folderName & "/" & name of f
        end if
    end repeat
    return ret
end getHtmlFileIn

-- **********************************************************
-- Ensure that the name is safe for a file or folder name
-- **********************************************************
on filenameSafe(fileSystemName)
    set tempName to fileSystemName
    set tempName to replaceString(tempName, "\\", "")
    set tempName to replaceString(tempName, "/", "-")
    set tempName to replaceString(tempName, "&", "+")
    set tempName to replaceString(tempName, "|", "-")
    set tempName to replaceString(tempName, ":", "-")
    set tempName to replaceString(tempName, "*", "_")

    set tempName to RemoveListFromString(tempName, {"'", "|", "&", "\"", ">", "<", "?", "$"}) -- do NOT replace \ because I ADD it in front of stuff before this line
    return tempName
end filenameSafe

-- **********************************************************
-- **********************************************************
on die(theMessage)
    log "-1, Message, " & theMessage
    log "-1, Simple note count, " & my simpleCount
    log "-1, PDF-only note count, " & my onePdfCount
    log "-1, HTML-export count, " & my htmlCount
    log "-1, Image-only count, " & my oneImageCount
    log "-1, Total note count:" & my totalNoteCount

    with timeout of (1000 * 60) seconds
        display dialog theMessage
    end timeout
    if not my scanOnly then
        error number -128
    end if
end die

-- **********************************************************
-- Example: replaceString("Hello hello", "hello", "Bye") produces "Hello Bye"
-- From http://applescript.bratis-lover.net/library/string/
-- **********************************************************
on replaceString(theText, oldString, newString)
    local ASTID, theText, oldString, newString, lst
    set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        considering case
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldString
            set lst to every text item of theText
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newString
            set theText to lst as string
        end considering
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        return theText
    on error eMsg number eNum
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        error "Can't replaceString: " & eMsg number eNum
    end try
end replaceString

-- **********************************************************
-- From http://applescript.bratis-lover.net/library/string/
-- **********************************************************
on RemoveFromString(theText, CharOrString)
    local ASTID, theText, CharOrString, lst
    set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        considering case
            if theText does not contain CharOrString then ¬
                return theText
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to CharOrString
            set lst to theText's text items
        end considering
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        return lst as text
    on error eMsg number eNum
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        error "Can't RemoveFromString: " & eMsg number eNum
    end try
end RemoveFromString

-- **********************************************************
-- Remove items from a string.  e.g. RemoveListFromString("Hello hello2", {"hello2"})
-- From http://applescript.bratis-lover.net/library/string/
-- **********************************************************
on RemoveListFromString(theText, listOfCharsOrStrings)
    local ASTID, theText, CharOrString, lst
        script k
            property l : listOfCharsOrStrings
        end script
        set len to count k's l
        repeat with i from 1 to len
            set cur_ to k's l's item i
            set theText to my RemoveFromString(theText, cur_)
        end repeat
        return theText
    on error eMsg number eNum
        error "Can't RemoveListFromString: " & eMsg number eNum
    end try
end RemoveListFromString

-- **********************************************************
-- How many times does theSubstring appear in theText?
-- From http://applescript.bratis-lover.net/library/string/
-- **********************************************************
on countSubstring(theText, theSubstring)
    local ASTID, theText, theSubstring, i
    set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theSubstring
        set i to (count theText's text items) - 1
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        return i
    on error eMsg number eNum
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        error "Can't countSubstring: " & eMsg number eNum
    end try
end countSubstring

on mimeToFileType(myMime)
    if myMime = "image/png" then
        return ".png"
    else if myMime = "image/jpeg" then
        return ".jpg"
        display dialog "Unexpected mime type: " & myMime
    end if
end mimeToFileType

-- Need to get a string with "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss PM"
on timestampReformat(t)
    tell (t) to get ("" & (its month as integer) & "/" & its day as text) & "/" & its year as text
    set theDate to result & " " & time string of t
    return theDate
end timestampReformat