This is easy, but obscure.  You want to run:

  • vmware-unity-helper -r path-to-vmx-file  path-to-exe-file

path-to-vmx-file is the full path name in the host file system of your VMX file for the VM you want to use.

path-to-exe-file is the full path name in the guest file system of the executable file you want to run. This can be given in ordinary Windows file name format, or in file:// URI format.  (I didn't have much luck with URIs containing spaces, regardless of how I encoded the spaces.)


Some examples:

  1. Run notepad.exe in the VM whose VMX file is /home/me/VMs/vm1/vm1.vmx:
    • vmware-unity-helper -r /home/me/VMs/vm1/vm1.vmx 'C:\\windows\\notepad.exe'
    • vmware-unity-helper -r /home/me/VMs/vm1/vm1.vmx 'file:///c:/WindOWs/NoTePad.exe'
  2. Run itunes.exe in the VM whose VMX file is in /home/me/VMs/vm2/vm2.vmx:
    • /usr/bin/vmware-unity-helper -r /home/me/VMs/vm2/vm2.vmx 'file:///c:/progra~1/itunes/itunes.exe'
    • vmware-unity-helper -r /home/VMs/vm2/vm2.vmx 'C:\\Program Files\\iTunes\\itunes.exe'

Don't forget to double your backslashes in Windows paths.

Windows paths are not case-sensitive.

Try out the command in a Terminal session, before you commit it to a Launcher.